Meandering download definition geology

Definitions of meandering, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of meandering, analogical dictionary of meandering english. The deepest part of the channel is on the outside of each bend. A river meanders a moment of science indiana public media. The bedrock meanders are explained in a fair amount of detail in stark et al. Lord department of geosciences and natural resources, western carolina university, cullowhee, north carolina 28723, usa dru germanoski department of geology and environmental geosciences, lafayette college, easton, pennsylvania 18042, usa. A meander is formed when the moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley and the inner part of the river has less energy and deposits what it is carrying. A meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in the. In contrast to braided rivers, meandering rivers typically only contain one channel that winds its way across the floodplain. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

He walked in circles, meandering in a daze, when he heard the news of his sisters death. Characteristics of meandering rivers generally confined within one major channel secondary channels active during floods wide valley, channel is a small part of entire valley. Petroleum geology not only attempts to reconstruct. Petrogeologist study geology to find mine, coal, or oil deposit. Fluvial processes include the motion of sediment and erosion or deposition on the river bed erosion by moving water can happen in two ways. What is a meander geologist describes meandering streams. Some types of rock are harder and more resistant to erosion than others. However, frequent alternations from braiding to meandering occur in streams traversing alluvial. Discuss how geologists learn about rock formations. Meandering river article about meandering river by the. Fluvial process, the physical interaction of flowing water and the natural channels of rivers and streams. A glassy igneous rock with a composition similar to granite. Depending upon whether a meander is part of an entrenched river or part of a freely meandering river within a floodplain, the term slipoff slope can refer to two different fluvial landforms that comprise the inner, convex, bank of a meander loop.

Meandering definition of meandering by the free dictionary. River function rivers are dynamic landscape elements whose primary functions are to drain the landscape and transport sediment. Channelization of meandering river floodplains by headcutting. Meander definition for englishlanguage learners from. We felt so happy because we can finish this dictionary without any big trouble although we lost one of our beloved editors. The water flows more slowly in the shallow areas near the inside of each bend. Channel morphology the crosssectional, plan view and longitudinal configuration of a channel develops a form that is adjusted to the regional topographic gradient, longterm average hydrologic regime, and sediment load of the drainage basin. Facies and architectural element analysis of a meandering. Little meandering fluvial system single channelmud or sand dominated meandering fluvial systems have a single, relatively deep major channel with a sinuosity of at least 1. A good dictionary should be on the desk of every geologist and within easy reach. In general, braided rivers differ from meandering rivers by having steeper gradients and a coarser sediment load.

It includes the study of materials that make up earth, the processes that change it, and the history of how things happened, including human civilization, which depends on natural materials for existence. Meandering rivers deposit sand and mud within welldefined meander belts. The glassy texture is a result of cooling so fast that mineral lattices were not developed. Streams sculpt and shape the earths surface by eroding, transporting, and depositing sediment. Meandering synonyms, meandering antonyms merriamwebster. Meandering river is mainly composed of meandering channel point bar, flood plain, interriver swamp, intervalley depression, crevasse splay, and other sediments. Synonyms for meandering at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. The mechanism is that rivers undercut the outside of meander bends, which causes landslides, which increases meandering.

Jet streams, for instance, are cold, fastmoving winds that circulate high in the atmosphere. From longman dictionary of contemporary english related topics. Necessary conditions for a meanderingriver avulsion. If the geology underlying a stream system is fairly uniformrocks equally resistant to erosion in all directionsa dendritic drainage pattern will develop, as shown in figure 1. May 29, 20 the development of graceful river meanders and oxbow lakes is explained in this short two minute geology video.

Lightning is a stream of electricity that circulates from cloud to cloud, from the cloud to the ground, or even from the ground to a. Geology can also include the study of the solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite such as mars or the moon. Although this is a classification used by many production geologists, not all experts are happy. Considerable research on various aspects of velocity distribution in curved meandering rivers has been carried out, but no systematic effort has been made to analyze the variation of velocity profile along a meander path 1. In case of a freely meandering river on a floodplain, a slipoff slope is the inside, gently.

These lakes are usually formed by the normal process of fluvial meandering. Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record. The 30 to 155 m thick early permian artinskian warchha sandstone of the salt range, pakistan is a conglomerate, sandstone and claystone succession within which seven lithofacies types gt, st, sp, sr, sh, fl and fm occur in a predictable order as repeated finingupward cycles. Just after the cutoff meander is formed, the river flows into its end from the river and builds a small delta which eventually results in the formation of oxbow lakes.

Verb this allpoolvilla resort features meandering lagoons, white sand beach, the caribbean sea, and private pools, as seen in this view from a spacious bedroom. There is as yet no rational basis for predicting the conditions leading to avulsion of a meandering river. The appearance of a meander belt in plan and cross section is of a complex labyrinth of interlocking sand bodies on the scale of hundreds of meters, embedded within varying volumes of mud. The system used in this article broadly categorizes fluvial systems into meandering and braided fluvial reservoirs. To switch the geology on and off, click the toggle geology link. A meander is formed when the moving water in a river changes its speed of water eroding sediments from the outside of a bend and depositing them on the inside. Other uses a meander, in general, is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river. High curvatures drive river meandering geology geoscienceworld.

The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The most familiar type of stream is made of water, although streams can also be made of air, lava, electricity, or any other fluid. Meandering definition, to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course. Students prepare for class by reading about lowland rivers andor hearing a lecture on them. The development of graceful river meanders and oxbow lakes is explained in this short two minute geology video. Channels are the primary conveyors of water, sediment, and nutrients through landscapes, and despite their prevalence, prediction of channel initiation and organization remains elusive. Geology is an interesting subject in knowing history of earth creation, creature evolution, ancient earth life and earth condition in the past. Characteristics of meandering rivers generally confined within one major channel. Meandering meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. Add meandering to one of your lists below, or create a new one.

Modern geology significantly overlaps all other earth sciences, including hydrology and the atmospheric sciences, and so is treated as one major aspect of integrated earth system science and planetary science. Remotelysensed planform morphologies reveal fluvial and tidal. Geology merit badge boy scouts of america wiki fandom. Definition of meander written for english language learners from the merriamwebster learners dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and countnoncount noun labels. The latter includes natural levees, which are elongate narrow ridges that.

A stream of any volume may assume a meandering course, alternately eroding sediments from the outside of a bend and depositing. In spite of an apparently striking dissimilarity of the governing processes, planform dimensions of tidal and fluvial meanders consistently scale. When the stream or rivers are associated with glaciers, ice sheets, or ice caps, the term glaciofluvial or fluvioglacial is used. Flows of water and sediment on earth and other planets have a remarkable tendency to organize into channels across environments and scales. Meandering channel an overview sciencedirect topics.

In geology, explain why the study of the present is important to understanding the past. Meandering definition in the cambridge english dictionary. The somewhat strange word actualistic is used in geology to describe situations or processes that are represented on the earth today, as opposed to nonactualistic. A stream that has multiple successive meanders and develops in relatively flat areas. In geography and geology, fluvial processes are associated with rivers and streams and the deposits and landforms created by them. One type is a meandering channel, or meandering stream. Nov 15, 2009 the 30 to 155 m thick early permian artinskian warchha sandstone of the salt range, pakistan is a conglomerate, sandstone and claystone succession within which seven lithofacies types gt, st, sp, sr, sh, fl and fm occur in a predictable order as repeated finingupward cycles. One major problem involves trying to classify fluvial reservoirs in the subsurface. By eroding sediment from uplifted areas and creating landforms made of deposited sediment in lower areas, streams shape the earths surface more than.

A porous sand or sandstone that contains asphalt or bitumen within its pore spaces. If the cohesive strength of the substrate is lower than the shear exerted, or the bed is composed of loose sediment which can be mobilized by such stresses. Firstly, the movement of water across the stream bed exerts a shear stress directly onto the bed. Counter point bar deposits in the meandering peace river, northcentral alberta, wood buffalo national park, are distinct from point bar deposits in terms of morphology, lithofacies and reservoir. Definition of meandering from the cambridge advanced learners.

Meander definition of meander by medical dictionary. Meandering stream definition of meandering stream by the. Meandering rivers rivers earth processes onegeology kids. The gist of the story is that they find that storminess number of typhoons a year drives bedrock meandering. The first objective of this study was to compare stream bank erosion along. Such processes play an essential and conspicuous role in the denudation of land surfaces and the transport of rock detritus from higher to lower levels. Here we present a conceptual model and quantify it under simplifying assumptions as a first step toward the construction of a stability diagram for avulsion initiation.

Fluvial systems meandering rivers rio solimoes, brazil synthetic aperture radar. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. A not very well understood feature of fluvial channels is alternation between braiding and meandering and conditions that influence the accretion of braid and point bars and their style of mineralisation. A meander in general is a bend in a sinous watercourse. A dendritic drainage pattern is the most common type. However, later geologists argue that the shape of an incised meander is not always, if ever. Meandering article about meandering by the free dictionary. The water flows faster in these deeper sections and erodes material from the river bank. Pdf high curvatures drive river meandering researchgate. The sand bodies of meandering channel take dominance.

What is a meander geologist describes meandering streams, rivers and oxbow. Fluvial reservoirs are difficult for the production geologist to understand, characterize, and model. Meander a common geometric design consisting of a line winding in and out at right angles. As the river changes its position, meanderscroll topography becomes preserved as part of the floodplain surface itself. If a river has a chance, it will meander, winding over the land in a series of loops. General dictionary of geology 5 foreword in the name of god most gracious most merciful, because of his salvation this dictionary can be completed.